
4 Reasons to Build Now!

Warranty For Custom Homes

Are you debating on building a home but not sure if it’s the right time?   There are several things to take into consideration when taking the huge jump, and you obviously have to do what is best for you and your family! However, if you’ve already prepared and are just waiting for the perfect time, here are four reasons to move now!

Interest Rates. Interest rates are lower now than they have been in years. On average, new mortgages are being offered at 3.5-4%. This equals major savings in the long run!

Scheduling. Spring and summer months are the best times to build in regards to scheduling. For one, if construction is started in the summer, the home will typically be complete well before the holidays, which works out very good considering the busyness of the holiday season. Also, weather is usually less of a factor. Winter months bring a lot of rain and freezing temperatures, which can cause some setbacks at times.

Established Subdivisions. If you’ve looked lately, you’ve likely found many of the available lots in the area are located in well-established (“built-out”) subdivisions. This means established HOA’s and less construction traffic when your home is finished.

Presales. As I mentioned in last week’s blog, several Gustafson Properties’ homes are in their early phases of construction and presales hold several advantages of their own, including options and pricing!

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Now’s the time! If you’re looking to build a new home, visit www.gustafsonproperties.com and contact us today!



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