
Customer Testimonials!

Customer Testimonial

We always love to get some feedback from our customers (even family)! Recently, we built an overhead addition for Tommy and Judy Bondurant on their new home. Here’s what Tommy had to say about Gustafson Properties:

“Brandon and Waylon Gustafson, both firemen, have a side job associated with Gustafson Properties doing construction work like you see in the picture. I have watched each step of this construction and have been so impressed with their workmanship. Soon to be finished, I can’t hold back a BIG THANK YOU for the beautiful work on our new patio.”

Thank you for the kind words and the opportunity! We hope that you are both very pleased and enjoy your new addition for years to come!

For more information on building or buying a new home, or additions and remodel work, be sure to visit our website at www.gustafsonproperties.com. Gustafson Properties has been building homes in Desoto County for years and would love the opportunity to build for you!

Before Overhead
After Overhead

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